Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about PURPOSE. A very simple word, yet can have a very complex meaning. What does purpose even mean and how do I find mine?
The other day I was listening to my favorite podcast, The Veronica Bay Show, and her own definition of purpose is doing anything that makes you feel alive and lets you live out an experience. I wrote down those two definitions and decided to expand on that thought myself. I think that purpose lives within you. It’s a feeling that when you are experiencing something that just feels right, you are living through your purpose.
Some of us may know what our purpose is and are already living through it. For others, it may take years to understand what it is. Now there are some who have more than one purpose; and you’re still discovering what each one is. At the end of the day, I believe we all have a purpose in this world, and once we step into that then we start to live life differently.
If you feel you have not stepped into your purpose yet, then what are you waiting for? It’s not something that’s just going to come to you while you’re chilling on the couch watching “New Girl”. You have to get up and try! If you fail, then don’t be afraid to try again! Here are 3 important tips that can help you to arrive at your purpose.
1. Get uncomfortable and start living.
Stop expecting life to come knocking with opportunity! You need to get uncomfortable and start knocking on doors yourself because that’s where growth begins! Think about what it is you want to do with your life, and keep that thought with you every single day. If you want to be a professional dancer, then think about how you can take the steps to get there everyday. Start training in multiple classes every single week! Don’t only take classes when you know there’s an award show around the corner because that doesn’t mean you truly want this for yourself. Don’t allow yourself to just wait for something to happen. Go make it happen!
2. Be open to flexibility
This concept can be tricky, even for me! In life, there will always be ups and downs…it’s just how it is! We have to learn to be ok with those moments though because that’s exactly what they are, MOMENTS. Just because you had a rough day at work or school, it doesn’t mean that you’ll never get that promotion or pass that next exam. Be willing to say “I don’t know, but I will figure it out”, and keep going!
Would you believe me if I said that I am just starting to understand my purpose? It took a lot of different experiences for me to finally start to understand that my purpose is to create and empower others through my creations. Whether that’s through dance, words, fashion, music (my voice is quite interesting), or even through just talking. Be open to understanding that there will be ups and downs in this life, it’s how you pick back up and keep going that matters.
3. Your HEART knows best!
We all have 2 voices that live within us. One that is telling you to second guess yourself, and another that is there hyping you up. I’m going to need you to start listening to the voice that hypes you up! We need to stop shrinking ourselves to be this mediocre human; and stop selling ourselves short. Life is way too short to keep going with the “ehh I don’t know”. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s to stop playing in the safe zone and start taking those risks! Even if it throws you off, guess what? You are going to get back on track in no time! I challenge you to do something that scares you this week!
To sum up this big old rant, it’s time to find your POWER. Let your heart be fulfilled by whatever it is that makes you happy! Don’t keep letting life pass you by while you wait for some sort of opportunity to come up. Make it happen for yourself! Listen to that voice that believes in you and give your life that meaning that you have been longing for! Find your PURPOSE.